The maths site
with 11+ NVR
CEM Style 11+ Maths Questions

Similar past 11+ Maths Questions for

Birmingham; Walsall; Wolverhampton; Shropshire; Henrietta Barnet; CCHS (Essex); Bexley; Wolverhampton;Warwickshire Buckinghamshire; Gloucestershire; Reading, and Slough eleven plus exams.

The following are similar (not identical) questions to those that we believe appeared in past 11+ papers in Birmingham, Wasall and Warwickshire. These questions were created some time ago, but we have decided to share a selection of questions. Further questions with solutions and explanations are available on the CCK website. Note: These are not the actual questions as past papers are not made available, and we have not seen them. Data has been obtained from our network and includes feedback from children who sat these tests as well as their parents and other individuals. From this information, we have created practise questions, and as such the copyright of these questions, in this format, together with explanations, rests with CCK. If the questions are identical to those set by CEM Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring®, the copyright of the questions may rest with them. These questions can be used for personal use, but may not be copied, distributed or uploaded on to any website for financial gain. Permission to use these questions by tuition companies or other organisations is not provided and must be made in writing to CCK.

Q1. Every neutral mile is 1.25 normal miles.

       a. If you go on a journey that is 3200 neutral miles long, how many normal miles is this? 
       b. If you then travelled 50 normal miles, how many further neutral miles did you travel?

Q2. To make 6 cakes you need 40ml lemon juice and 20 eggs.

        a. How many cakes can you make from 150 eggs?
        b. How much lemon juice is needed for 15 cakes?

Q3.   5 small triangles and 1 large triangle together have a combined mass of 4.5 kg.   
         3 small triangles and 1 large triangle together have a combined mass of 3.7 kg.

         a. What is the mass of each small triangle?
         b. What is the mass of each large triangle?

Q4.  There are 120 tiles along the width of a wall. One tile measures 30 cm x 30 cm.

         a. What was width of the wall in metres?
         b. If tiles were 40p each how much would it cost to tile the wall with one row of tiles?
         c. If the wall is 2.4 metres high, what is the area of the wall in square metres?
         d. What is the area of a tile in square metres?
         e. How many tiles are required to tile the entire wall?

         f. If the room was extended by 1.2 metres in width, how many more tiles would be
            required to tile the room.

Q5.   A piece of paper has 20 rhombuses. The area of the paper is 120cm2, and the area of a rhombus is 3cm2
         a. What is area of all the parallelograms?
         b. How much of the paper is blank?

Q6. The time in New York is 7am when the time in London is 9pm.                    

  a. When the time in New York is 12:15pm, what is the time in London?
         b. When the time in London is 0:15am, what is the time in New York?

         c. You set off from London on 20th at 9pm on an aeroplane, and travel to New York.
             The journey takes 6 hours and 30 mins what is the date and time that you arrive?
         d. You set off from London on 20th, by ship at 9pm, and travel to New York.
             The journey takes 6 days and 6 hours what is the date and time that you arrive?

Q7.   Mark and John have £25.00 between them. Mark has £2.50 more than John.
         How much money do
         a:  Mark and
         b:  John have individually?


Note: If these questions are identical to those that appeared on past papers, we acknowledge CEM Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring® may own the copyright of the questions, should they accept these are actual past questions.

We can reveal some information relating to the 10+ tests held on 2nd July 2013. This test was set by CEM Centre for Evaluatuation and Monitoring®. This included synonyms; long maths (including a Ferry timetable and ratio questions based upon currency) and jumbled up sentences. There were many short sections including 2 comprehension passages (fair ground and driver); roundabout numbers for quick maths and equations (missing numbers) as well as a very short cloze passage. NVR questions included shape addition and subtraction as well as shape sequences in a different format than the norm.  Again, we believe we are the first site to publish this information.


Solutions, with explanations and further questions are available on
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